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This is an ‘html-only’ version of Scribblings with no database behind it. This means it is not possible to search it. I am working on a new version with which I am hoping to eventually put back into the main site. The new version is here but please note that there is no link directly back to the main site.

Tuesday, 27th April 2004

Coming along

The script which generates these pages is coming along quite nicely now.

For basic stuff, like this, I can still just type into a form without having to add any tags which is kind of nice (and quite novel for me). If I want I can add tags for stuff like emphasis and links. I can also include images, bulleted lists, number lists, blockquotes and sub-headings all by entering pretty minimal tags.

It’s not as flexible as full blown, completely marked up HTML but it is pretty easy to use and what gets sent to your browser is still, so far at least, valid XHTML and bugs permitting1 it’ll continue to be so.

I need to thank my friend Chris Sansom for holding my hand over SQL queries and for getting me over a rough patch by helping me with some regular expressions which I just couldn’t get my head around.

1 There are bound to be some around somewhere

Posted 27 April 2004, 22:13
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An apology

Since moving the site to a new server Scribblings is not as easy to find your way around as it used to be. It used to depend on a script and a database on the server but is currently served as ‘flat html’.

I have some ideas about how to make it a bit easier but they depend on writing another script. I hope to get around to it ‘eventually’.

Search Scribblings

Searching Scribblings is not available at the moment.
